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Dr. Prashant Ashok Punde bags Best International Marathi Story Award in International Story Writing Competition for the Second time

Dr. Prashant Ashok Punde, Associate Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dental Science has been awarded with the Best Story Writer’s Award in International Marathi Story writing competition organized by Ank Ninad, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Dr Punde’s Short story ‘Mammon’ was amongst the worldwide stories received by the magazine. All stories were screened by renowned Marathi authors before been awarded. In the year 2023, Dr.Punde’s another Short story ‘Lekhakayan’ had been awarded the Best Story in same International competition. Dr. Punde had received last year and will receive this year the cash reward of 100 US $ as First Prize from Ank Ninad, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Dr. Prashant Ashok Punde

‘Lekhakayan’ had been published in Diwali edition of Ank Ninad in October 2023 & ‘Mammon’ will be published in forthcoming Diwali edition of Ank Ninad in October 2024 by Rohan Publications, Pune.

Dr. Prashant Punde who originally belongs to Pune is been working in Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dental Sciences since 13 years.