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KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad organised a One-day Faculty Development Programme on "CO-PO mapping and attainments"

KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad, conducted a one-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on 21st September 2024, led by Dr. Namdeo R. Jadhav, Dean of the institute. The FDP focused on CO-PO mapping and attainments, with sessions covering the purpose of education, Washington Accord, NIRF, and accreditation. Dr. Jadhav provided insights on framing Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs), as well as calculating their attainment. He discussed direct and indirect methods of PO attainment and the importance of tracking student progress from entry to exit. The interactive Q&A session allowed participants to clarify doubts, ensuring they are better equipped to align academic programs with accreditation standards. The session empowered faculty members with essential tools for continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

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