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KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad,organised Alumni Meet

An alumni meet is an event where graduates or former students of an educational institution come together to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate their shared experiences. These events are organized by the educational institution or by the alumni themselves. The primary purpose of an alumni meeting is to foster a sense of community among graduates, provide networking opportunities, and update alumni on the current happenings at the alma mater.

Alumni meet organized at Krishna Institute of Pharmacy on 24th December 2023, 36 alumni were present for the functions The Program was inaugurated by alumni representatives and Dean Dr. N.R. Jadhav sir, then addressed by Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav sir then alumni gave feedback about their experience in college and the culture program was conducted and finally program was ended by a vote of thanks by Mr. Anup A. Patil.

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