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KVV's,Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organised A National Level Workshop on Network Pharmacology: Unfolding Multitude of Drug Targets

A National Level Workshop on Network Pharmacology: Unfolding Multitude of Drug Targets

A National Level Workshop on Network Pharmacology: Unfolding Multitude of Drug Targets was organized for Faculties of Pharamcy, PG and Ph. D students under the guidance of Dr N. R. Jadhav, Dean, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad on Monday, 30/10/2023 and Tuesday, 31/10/2023. It was delivered by Dr Nikhilkumar Sakle, from Aurangabad, Dr Shweta More, from Mumbai and Mr. Sanjay Ugare, from Belgavi.

The welcome note of the programme was given by Dr. Anuradha N. Chivate, Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad and Convener of the workshop. The Co-convener of the workshop was Mrs. Pratiksha Jadhav, Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad. Dean Dr N. R. Jadhav, welcomed Chief Guest Dr. M. V. Ghorpade (Registrar, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth ) and the speakers by offering bouquet. Brief introduction of the programme was given by Dr N. R. Jadhav. He explained the importance of Network Pharmacology in the context of Ayurvada, Homeopathy and Oriental Medicines. The anchoring of the programme was done by Ms. Jotsna Gandhi.

The objectives of the workshop were as follows -

  1. To provide an overview of what network pharmacology is and why it is important in modern drug discovery and development.
  2. Explain the concept of biological networks including protein-protein interaction networks and gene regulatory networks and their relevance to pharmacology.
  3. To familiarize the participants with the various databases and resources for network pharmacology data.
  4. To introduce participants to software and tools for network analysis.
  5. Explore how network pharmacology can be used to predict and analyze drug-drug interaction.

Workshop Agenda:

Day 1, Monday, 30/10/2023

Session 1: Introduction to Network Pharmacology (Morning Session)

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nikhilkumar Sakle
  • Overview of network pharmacology: Principles and significance

Session 2: Data Collection and Integration (Morning Session)

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shweta More
  • Data sources for network pharmacology
  • Practical exercise

Day 2, 31/10/2023

Session 3 & 4: Network Construction and Analysis (Morning & Afternoon Session)

  • Keynote speaker: Mr. Sanjay Ugare
  • Network analysis methods and software tools
  • Practical exercise


The workshop received positive feedback from participants, who found it informative and well-structured. Concluding remarks and Vote of thanks were given by Dr. Anuradha N. Chivate. She expressed sincere thanks to Chief Guest for valedictory function Dr. Shailendra Gurav from Govt. College of Pharmacy, Goa and all Guest speakers for guiding and sharing the valuable information about Network Pharmacology workshop. She also thanked Dean, Dr N. R. Jadhav sir for the constant guidance and support.

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