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One day workshop on “Competitive examination guidance and career advancement avenues: Study Abroad”

One day workshop on “Competitive examination guidance and career advancement avenues: Study Abroad” was organized for the Third year, Final Year B. Pharmacy, Pharm D,M. Pharm students of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Karad under the guidance of Dr. Amol A Shete, Dean I/C, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad on 13th April 2023. Speaker / Resource person: Mrs. Manjusha Khedkar, AIMS consultants, Thane Mumbai Total no of students attended: 200Third Yr, Final Year + 25 M. Pharm +30 Pharm D, Total no of staff: 06 The welcome note and introduction of the speaker was given by Ms. Shreya Pattenshetti, Assistant Professor. Dean I/CDr. Amol Shete, welcomed Mrs. Manjusha Khedkar by offering a bouquet. Dr. Akshada Koparde welcomes Mr. Sandeep Khedkar Visiting faculty for corporate business schools in Mumbai by offering a bouquet. A brief introduction of the lecture was given by Dr Amol Shete sir. He explained the importance of arranging these lectures for B. Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm D students, he said an experienced person is the right person to inform all regarding career avenues to study abroad.