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World Pharmacists Day Celebrated at KVV’s Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad.

On 25th September 2024, KVV’s Krishna Institute of Pharmacy,Karad, commemorated World Pharmacists Day under the theme, “Pharmacists: Meeting Global Health Needs.” The event was organized to recognize the essential role of pharmacists in the healthcare system and their contribution to public health.

The programme was graced by the presence of the Chief Guest of the program Dr. Suresh Saravdekar, Former Assistant Director, Ministry of Medical Education and Health, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai, Guest of Honour Dr. G. R. Pathade, Dean, Krishna Institute of Allied Sciences, Karad, Mrs. S. A. Patil, HOD, KCT’s,Krishna College of Pharmacy, Dr. A. A. Koparde, Dean Academics, KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Dr. S. R. Desai, KCT’s, Krishna College of Pharmacy and Mrs. P. P. Jadhav, KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad along with the entire teaching faculty, making it a well-rounded and meaningful event for the entire academic community.

The day was marked by a series of educational and community-oriented activities aimed at spreading awareness about the critical role of pharmacists. The celebration included the active participation of students, faculty, and staff, with several initiatives organized to engage both the academic community and the public. Total 6 activities were carried out which included, Rally for awareness, Felicitation of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacists, Patient counseling sessions for out-patients, Slogan competition, Poster competition and charity at old age home at Nerle.

The event was successfully organized under the guidance of Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean and organizing chairman of KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad and Mrs. Pratiksha Jadhav, the event coordinator.

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