International Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons day
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons day was celebrated in School of Dental Sciences, KVV, Karad on the 13th of February, 2023. Maxillofacial surgery deals with a very complex area of the body and involves treating diseases, injuries, malformations and reconstruction of the mouth, jaws and surrounding structures. Maxillofacial surgeons perform a range of procedures from surgical removal of wisdom teeth, benign and malignant tumours of mouth and jaws, cysts in the jaws, cosmetic surgery for dental and facial deformities, diseases of the jaw joints (TMJ), Cleft lip and palate and associated deformities and major injuries to the face including fractures of the jaws and other facial bones. It is a unique specialty bridging dentistry and medicine/surgery. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Day (13thFebruary) celebrates the birthday of Dr. Sorabjee Ginwalla, the first oral surgeon in India. The day was celebrated by Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, S.D.S, Karad with great enthusiasm and with informative events. Lecture and video session The event was hosted by Dr Adhishree and Dr Aishwarya. The event started with lamp lightning ceremony by Dean Dr. Shashikiran N.D and professors of Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Lecture and video session:
The event was hosted by Dr Adhishree and Dr Aishwarya. The event started with lamp lightning ceremony by Dean Dr. Shashikiran N.D and professors of Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

After the pleasantries were exchanged, Dean Dr. Shashikiran N.D was welcomed by Head of the department Dr. Nilesh Mishra with a floral Bouquet.
It was followed by Welcome Speech and Video representation about the Maxillofacial Surgeons day and its importance in the society. The theme for this year focused on” Road traffic accidents: Saving lives, saving faces”. Road traffic accidents are one the most common etiological factor in facial trauma cases. Video demonstration was done to increase the awareness among students regarding road traffic accidents and its consequences. The audience was also taught about their role in helping a victim which can save someone’s life. Various competitions were organised in view of Oral and maxillofacial surgeons day like Eposter competition showed enthusiastic participation from interns and the reel making competition had active participation from final years, interns and PG’s as well.
After a short tea break, the event was proceeded towards the presentation by Dr. Prashant Punde with a lecture on the topic of Suturing Technique. Various techniques, advantages and disadvantages was discussed in brief.
Hands-on course on Suturing Technique:
Students and the interns of the dental college showed enthusiastic participation in “Hands on course on suturing techniques” which was conducted by Dr. Mounesh Kumar CD and Dr. Prashant Punde .

With this the program concluded, marking a successful end of the celebration for Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon day.