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KIAS: Ozone day celebration

Krishna Institute of Allied Sciences

Report on: "Poster Competition"

Organizing committee: Ms. Priyadarshani Patil, Ms. Prajkta Sarkale

Judges: Mrs. Dr. Aparna Pathade, Mrs. Shilpa Ruikar

Poster competition was held on the topic Ozone layer depletion on the occasion of “World Ozone Day” on 17th September, 2024. Total 15 students were participated from both undergraduate and post graduate courses. The posters were displayed in the environmental science laboratory, KIAS. Inauguration of poster competition was done by Dean, Dr. G. R. Pathade and Academic Dean Dr. Snehal Masurkar. Mrs. Dr. Aparna Pathade and Mrs. Shilpa Ruikar was Judges for the event. The Geotagged photographs of the exhibition are attached herewith.

WhatsApp Image 2024-10-08 at 4.48.35 PM(3)
WhatsApp Image 2024-10-08 at 4.48.39 PM(4)
WhatsApp Image 2024-10-08 at 4.49.26 PM