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KVV's,Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad organised Parents Teacher Meet

A Parent Teacher Meet 2023 was organized by KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad on Saturday 25/11/2023” for parents of first, second, third and final year B Pharm students under the guidance of Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad. The four hundred parents actively participated in this meeting. Mrs. Dr. Anuradha Chivate, Assistant Professor, KVV, KIP, Karad & Mrs. Pratiksha Jadhav Assistant Professor, KVV, KIP, Karad gave the welcome note and introduction of the chief guest. Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav sir felicitated chief guest Dr. Pravin H. Shingare, Pro Chancellor sir as well as parent representative Mrs. Jahida Shikalgar by giving the floral bouquet.

Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav welcomed the parents with a brief welcome statement and explanation of why this meeting was being held. Dr. Pravin H. Shingare, Pro Chancellor addressed the parents about the expanding field of pharmacy, various Parma sectors, and the value of the pharmacy profession in society. A vote of thanks was given by Mr. Anup Patil, Associate Professor, KIP, Karad. The second session began with Dean Dr. N R Jadhav introduction and presentation. He discussed the constituent units of KVV, the strength of KVV, and the scope of pharmacy. He discussed the programme outcomes of the pharmacy profession.

Dr. Akshata Koparde, Dean of academics, presented the code of conduct. Mrs. Manisha Veer, Head of the program committee described the comprehensive admission process for the degree pharmacy course. The end of the program is determined by parent feedback. Here, Jahida Shikalgar, the parent representative, expressed her sincere gratitude to Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav for arranging this parent meeting and all the facilities available for student betterment. Mrs. Dr. Anuradha Chivate, Assistant Professor, KVV, KIP, Karad gave concluding remarks.

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