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M. D. S. Oral Pathology and Microbiology

Annual Intake - 3

Curriculum - view

Eligibility -

An applicant will be eligible for registration for Degree of Master of Dental Surgery if he has completed satisfactorily one year rotating internship after passing Final B.D.S. Examination and has got himself registered with the Dental Council of India.

i) No person shall be registered for the Post Graduate course unless such a person is in a position to work as a full time Resident Student for the period applicable in his case.

ii) The applicant will be selected according to the existing rules and regulations as prescribed by the Dental Council of India.

iii) The number of candidates registered will be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Dental Council of India and shall be selected strictly on the basis of their academic merit.

iv) The academic merit for admission shall be on the basis of NEET as per the Hon. Supreme Court and the admission procedure will be carried out by Director General of Health Services, Govt. of India.

  • Every candidate, so selected for admission to the Degree of Master of Dental Surgery course in constituent college of the university, shall process recognized B.D.S. degree or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto, and should have obtained permanent registration with Current Valid Receipt Registration from the Dental Council of India, or any of the state medical councils or should obtain the same within one month from the date of his/her admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled.
  • The registered student shall undergo, under the approved guide, a regular course of study and research (including Practical Training, if any) for the course of study for the requisite examination for the minimum period specified in the bye - law.
  • Subject to the provisions of this bye – law the student shall be eligible therefore, if :

(a) He / She has been duly registered; and

(b) He / She has undergone a regular course of study and research on one of the topics assigned by the guide for the requisite minimum period specified in this Bye - law.

(c) He / She has undergone a regular course of study for three academic years

  • A student who has registered himself for the Degree of Mater of Dental Surgery course in a subject shall not be allowed to register himself for the Post Graduate Degree of Master of Dental Surgery either in the same subject or any other subject or Vice-versa unless he passes the examination leading to that particular course or he foregoes it. This concurrent registration shall not be allowed under any circumstances.

Duration - 3 Years

Annual Fee - 300000/-