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Sports Complex

“All work and no play makes jack a dull boy” and boy; do we believe in the saying or what!!!After that long day at work or the college the perfect way to unwind would be to sweat it out at our on campus sports complex. At KIMSDU you will be lost for choices with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities.

Two gymnasiums, one for cardio and other for heavy weights and fitness offers a unique combination for patrons with a long list of contemporary equipments that offer a complete workout in a safe environment.

A specially equipped gym for ladies and an aerobics class along with a number of other outdoor facilities like Badminton court, Lawn Tennis court, Volley ball court, Cricket and football ground spoil you for choices.

For those hot summer afternoons or rainy evenings we offer a plethora of indoor activities like Carom, Chess, Dart board etc.