Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth’s Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, organizes a Faculty Development Programme on Understanding by Design
A Faculty Development Programme on ‘Understanding by Design [UbD] was organized for faculty members of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, KVV, Karad under the guidance of Dr. NamdeoJadhav, Dean, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, KVV, Karad on Saturday, the 4thof November 2023.
25 staff members from KIP and 8 faculty members from KCP were present for the Faculty Development Programme. The Dean, Dr. N.R.Jadhav Sir, was the organizing chairman for the event. The coordinators for the programme were, Miss. Jotsna. M. Gandhi and Miss. SandhyaraniSagavkar.
The Dean of the Institute, Dr. N.R.Jadhav, felicitated the guest speaker, Dr. R.B.Jadhav, [Principal, SVPM’S College of Pharmacy, Malegaon] and provided an introduction to the programme.
The speaker provided an introduction to the concept of Understanding by Design. He explained the origin and need of UbD. He emphasized on importance of case based learning to enhance critical thinking in the students. He also elaborated upon the principles of understanding by design. Concept of outcome based education and discussed regarding alignment of PEOs, POs and COs for meeting academic expectations.
The second session started at 2.30 pm, Dr. Jadhav Sir explained the characterization and bridging the gaps between teaching and learning process. He put up an in detail analysis of types of gaps like knowledge gap, Skill gap, Competency gap, Strategic gap etc. The session was followed by a question answer segment.Vote of thanks was proposed by Miss. J.M.Gandhi.The feedback was excellent. The learning gain was 61.2%