
Head of Department :
Dr. Vandana Milind Thorat
Professor & Head

About Department Of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology has 6 qualified (MD Pharmacology/Ph. D Pharmacology) teaching faculty. Pharmacology is the science of drugs. This subject is taught at II Phase of MBBS, BDS, BPTh courses, Ph. D Pharmacology, BSc. Perfusion, BSc. Cardiac students are also enrolled in this department.


To develop as a centre of excellence to promote rational therapeutic practices, basic and clinical research and safe use of drugs


To impart basic knowledge of drugs to medical undergraduates.

To encourage them to develop rational and ethical approach in prescribing drugs, thereby enriching foundation for good clinical practices.

To impart knowledge of National Health programs

To encourage research in Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Faculty

To prepare competent post Graduates students with sound subject knowledge, good research and teaching skills, who will accept challenges in the field of research, pharmaceutical industries and medical education.

To promote preclinical and clinical research.

To keep pace with rapidly changing trends in pharmacotherapeutics

To promote globally the rational prescribing practices.

To promote a critical approach towards drug promotion.

To promote safe and scientific use of drug in community


To achieve excellence in Rational Pharmacotherapy, teaching and research with the ultimate goal of providing quality treatment and life in health care

Important Infrastructure

Department of Pharmacology has very specious offices, laboratories, seminar room and museum. The laboratories are equipped with all instruments and equipments required for UG, PG training and research.

Teaching Learning Method

Didactic lectures.

Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

Small Group Teaching (SGT)

Integrated teaching- Correlation, Nesting, sharing


Students’ seminars


Problem Based Learning


Integrated Teaching: Linker cases

Clinical case Discussion.



Students’ Research projects

Role play

Academic / Scientific activities such as webinars, CMEs, workshops, Conferences are conducted by the department regularly

Seminar, Journal club, Case Discussion for PG students



Dr. Vandana Milind Thorat

Professor & Head

Tel (Office) – 02164-241555/6/7

Dr.Vandana Milind Thorat is the Head of the Department of Pharmacology from 1st December 2022. She has 30 years of teaching experience and is a university recognised UG & PG teacher, examiner and guide for MD, PhD. She has completed her MBBS, MD & PhD (Pharmacology) from Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad. She has received the Best Teacher award many times throughout her career. She always believes and supports advanced technologies in teaching. She has published more than 60 national and international publications in the field of Medicine. She constantly promotes the overall development of Staff & Students by encouraging curricular & extracurricular activities.



Dr. Chitra Chandrashekhar Khanwelkar



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 59661


Dr. Sujata Abhay Jadhav

MBBS, M.D., Ph.D.


Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 81215


Dr. Anjali Ravindra Shinde



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2005062969


Dr. Pratibha Satish Salve

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - --


Dr. Smita Ajit Surale Patil


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 88011


Dr. Prathamesh Vishnu Pakale


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2016020265


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Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference


MBBS (UG) Laboratory


Special Drug Delivery systems like Metered Dose Inhalers, Spacers, Nasal sprays, Transdermal patches, Insulin pen etc

Simulation models for demonstration of routes of administration i.e. various injections (iv, im, sc,Intradermal), enema, vaginal pessary insertion, and other routes of drug administration.

Post Graduate Laboratory : In vivo and In vitro experiments,


  1. Bioassay on rat colon, analgesiometer, physiography/ polygraph, convulsiometer, plethysmograph, learning and memory, models for affective disorders etc.
  2. Administration of drugs by various routes (subcutaneous, intravenous, intraperitoneal) in experimental animals.
  3. Collection of blood samples and oral gavage in experimental animals.
  4. Preparation and administration of a drug solution in appropriate strength and volume.
  5. Experiments to show dose response curve of agonists (in the presence or absence of an antagonist) on various biological tissues, like i) Isolated rabbit/rat/ guinea-pig intestine ii) Isolated rat uterus.
  6. Determination of EC50, ED50, pD2 and pA2 values of drugs.
  7. Perform in vivo experiments to study effect of mydiatrics and miotics on rabbit eye.
  8. Perform in vivo experiments to study effect of antiepileptic drugs using animal models of epilepsy.
  9. Perform in vivo experiments to study effect of analgesics using animal models of analgesia .
  10. Perform in vivo experiments to study effects of drugs on learning, memory and motor coordination 11. Estimate toxic drug levels using chemical and biological tests (alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, barbiturates, salicylates) by commonly used methods

Computer Assisted Learning Lab


Computer Assisted Learning Lab

  • Have computers with standard configuration and connected to the internet
  • The Computers to have computer assisted teaching-learning and assessment material e.g.,
  • National List of Essential Medicines
  • Standard Treatment Guidelines
  • Banned Drugs List of the CDSCO
  • Hospital formulary
  • Animations/videos of mechanism of action of clinically useful drugs in humans,
  • Adverse Drug Reactions forms
  • Photographs of ADRs
  • Drug Promotional Literature
  • OSCE/OSPE station material
  • Self-assessment modules
  • E-prescription,
  • Digital cases


Sr. No Title of the paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Month of Publication
1 The Study of Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Oral Serratiopeptidasein Postoperative Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital C. Khanwelkar, Kartik Peethambaran, S. A. Jadhav International Journal of Current Research and Review, Vol,13.Isuue02, January 2021 January 2021
2 Vitamin D Supplementation in the prevention of Recurrent Acute Respiratory Tract infections in Children Aged less than five years S.A.Jadhav, C.C.Khanwelkar, Abhay Jadhav, Seshla Sadanandan Journal of Medical Sciences, July 2021 Page.No. 129-133 July 2021
3 Primary Phytochemical Evaluation of P. Oleracea and P. Quadrifida T.P.Durgawale, C.C.Khnawelkar, P.P.Durgawale Journal Pharm, and Tech. 14(7) July 2021,Pag.No. 1-5 July 2021
4 Anti-Oxidant Potentials Of The Fruit Of Coccinia Grandis Udugade Sb, Jadhav Sa, Doijad Rc, And Udugade Bv International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences IJBPAS, Sept. 2021 Pag. No. 2967-2973 Sept. 2021
5 Antioxidant activity of Murraya koenigii leaves methanolic and aqueous extracts on oxidative stress in high fat – fructose fed rats Rohan S. Phatak, C.C.Khnawelkar, S.M.Matule, Anup S. Hendre, Kails D. Datkhile Pravara Med. Rev. Sept. 2021 , 13(03) 13-20 Sept. 2021
6 Design and Evaluation of Capecitabine Loaded Resealed Erythrocytes by Preswell and Dilution Tchniques Mrs. Anuradha N. Chivate Dr. Pratibha S. Salve Dr. R. C. Doijad Dr. Niranjan D. Chivate International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences Dec. 2021 Dec. 2021
7 Effect of Capecitabine Resealed Erythrocytes on MNU induced Heapatocarcinogenesis in swiss albino mice Mrs. Anuradha N. Chivate Dr. Pratibha S. Salve Dr. R. C. Doijad Dr. Niranjan D. Chivate Dr. A.M.Mane International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology , Page no. 5813-5821 , Volume 15, Issue 1, 28 February 2022 28 February 2022
8 An evaluation of analgesic activity of leaf and stem bark of Ficus religiosa in Wistar rats. Shilpi Mishra Sujata. A. Jadhav Chitra. C. Khanwelkar Seshla Sadanandan Prathamesh. V. Pakale Mahesh. M. Bharambe International Journal of Health Sciences. 09th April 2022
9 Study of anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of fresh rhizome of zingiber officinale in wistar rats Prathamesh V. Pakale C.C.Khnawelkar S.A.Jadhav International Journal of Health Sciences. 13th April 2022
10 Study of anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of dry powder of zingiber officinale (sunth) in wistar rats Prathamesh V. Pakale C.C.Khnawelkar S.A.Jadhav International Journal of Health Sciences- under review process 20/04/2022
11 Acute Toxicity Study of Intravenously Administered Capecitabine Resealed Erythrocytes in Mice Mrs. Anuradha N. Chivate Dr. Pratibha S. Salve Dr. R. C. Doijad Dr. Niranjan D. Chivate Dr. A.M.Mane Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, AV publications , Page no. 5813-5821 , Volume 15, Issue 12 , 28 February 2022
12 Screening of Azithromycin for its anti- inflammatory potential in experimental Wistar rats Mahesh M Bharambe, V. M. Thorat, S.M.Matule Pravara Medical Review Journal 01/04/2022
13 Comparative anti-inflammatory effects of azithromycin, clarithromycin and roxithromycin using animal models of inflammation in wistar rats Mahesh M. Bharambe, V.M.Thorat, S.M.Matule Neuro Quantology Journal, July 2022, Volume : 20 , issue :8, Page 7355-7364 July 2022
14 Comparative study of Efficacy and Safety of Ondansetron and Ramosetron in Patients undergoing Hysterectomy Dr.Sachin B Patil, Dr.Sangeeta Saymote, Dr.Bhausahab B Jankar, Dr.Anjali R.Shinde International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023 2023
15 A Comparative study of Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Thiocolchicoside, Diclofenac and Their Combinatic in wistar Rats Using Carrageenan Induced Paw Edema Method Dr.Akash Devi, Dr.C.C.Khanwelkar, Dr.Prathamesh V. Pakale, Dr.S.A.Jadhav, Dr.Harsh Singh, Dr.Lekhika Singh Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 3rd Feb.2023
16 A Research Protocol of an Observational Experimental Assessment of Clinical and Pharmacologic Profile of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in the Manaement Solid Cancers and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Mrs. Jisha Annie Geevarghese, Dr.C.C.Khanwelkar, Dr.R.C.Doijad, Dr.Rashmi Gudur Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery, 2023 2023
17 Invitro Screening of Docetaxel dutasteride nanostructured lipid carriers on prostate cancer cell lines Mr.Anup A. Patil, Dr.P.S.Salve, Dr.R.C.Doijad, Dr.A.A.Koparde Europen Chemical Bulletin 17th March 2023 17th March 2023
18 Screening of Venlafaxine for its analgesic potential in Experimental Albino mice. Dr.Sarvaiya Darshansinh Dr.Vandana M. Thorat Dr.Chavda Akshayraj Eur Chem Bull.2023 2063-5346 15.03.2023 15.03.2023
19 Prevention of Drug Interaction in Geriatric Patients Dr.S.A.Surle-Patil Dr.P.V.Salve Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr.Aditya Shah Eur Chem Bull.2023 Special issue 42063-5346 2023
20 Management of Diabetes using Herbal Medicine Dr. Aditya Shah Dr.Dew Tiwari Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr.A.R.Shinde Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Eur Chem Bull.2023 Special issue 42063-5346 2023
21 Overview of Network Pharmacology Dr. Aditya Shah Dr.S.A.Jadhav Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr.Harsh Singh Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr.A.R.Shinde Eur Chem Bull.2023 Special issue 42063-5346 2023
22 Assessment of self-medication practice among Medical Students:A Cross-sectional Study. Dr.Sarvaiya Darshansinh V Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr. Aditya Shah Dr.Harsh Singh Pak Heart 20.02.2023 20.02.2023
23 Knowledge, Attitude & Practices of Practitioners towards Antibiotic prescription for infection prevention during Dental Procedures Dr. Prathamesh V Pakale Dr.Bharti Bhambhu Dr.Vaghasiya Keyurkumar Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr.Harsh Singh Dr.C.C.Khanwelkar Pak Heart 2023 2023
24 Scope of Clinical Pharmacology in India:A Review Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr.S.A.Surale patil Dr.P.S.Salve Dr.Harsh Singh Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr. Aditya Shah Pak Heart 2023 2023
25 E-Strategy for Medication:Is it really Effective? Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr.Sarvaiya Darshansinh V Pak Heart 2023 2023
26 Potential Anti-Diabetic Herbs and Polyherbal Formulations: A Review Dr.A.R.Shinde Dr.S.A.Surale patil Dr.P.S.Salve Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12, Special Issue 2 2612-2618 2023
27 A summary on prophylactic antibiotics in operative patients to combat post-surgical complications Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12, Special Issue 2 2634-2644 2023
28 Significance of antibiotic therapy in post-surgical patients Dr. Aditya Shah Dr.S.A.Surale patil Dr.Bharti Bhambhu Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12, Special Issue 2 2619-2626 2023
29 Ecopharmacovigilance: A Review of Environmental Impacts of Pharmaceuticals Dr.Lekhika Singh Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr. Aditya Shah Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12, Special Issue 2 2654-2661 2023
30 Proton pump inhibitors Dr. Prathamesh V Pakale Dr.Vaghasiya Keyurkumar Dr.V.M.Thorat Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 4 13488-13496 2023,
31 Artificial intelligence in healthcare Dr.P.S.Salve Dr. Akash Devi Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 4 13481-13487 2023
32 Inorganic Nanoparticles in Medical Research: A Review Dr.S.A.Jadhav Dr.Harsh Singh Dr.Lekhika Singh Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 2 2645-2653 2023
33 Outcome of silver nanoparticles on human health following various routes of administration Dr.S.A.Jadhav Dr.Harsh Singh Dr.Lekhika Singh Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 2 2662-2671 2023
34 Dengue Virus: A Comprehensive Review of Current Understanding and Future Perspectives Dr.Sarvaiya Darshansinh V Dr.Vaghasiya Keyurkumar Dr. Akash Devi Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 2 2679-2690 2023
35 Urticaria Dr.S.A.Surale patil Dr.P.S.Salve Dr.Bharti Bhambhu Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 2 2627-2633 2023
36 Current Insights into the Role of Antifibrotic Drugs in the Management of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr.P.S.Salve Dr.S.A.Surale patil Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 1 5261– 5270 2023
37 Emerging treatment modalities for the management of diabetes mellitus Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr.Akshayraj Chavda Dr. Aditya Shah Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 Special Issue 22672-2678 2023
38 Comprehensivereview on Recent Advances in Lyophilization of Nanomedicine Rohit R.Bhosale Dhanashri D.Chavan Amol S.Shete Indo Americal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ISSN No:2231-6876 2023
39 A Review on Anti-Cancer Potential of Herbal Drugs Rohit R. Bhosale, Dhanashri D. Chavan, Vandana M. Thorat , Amol S. Shete3 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2023; 15(1); 1-9 eISSN: 0975-4873, pISSN: 2961-6069 2023
40 An overview on cell-based therapy: Unique perspective for cancer management Rohit R. Bhosale , Dhanashri D. Chavan , Vandana M. Thorat Asian Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 2455-2674 2023
41 Assessment of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors in Alzheimer's Disease Experimental Models Dr. A. V. Chavda Dr. V. M. Thorat Dr. D.V. Sarvaiya Journal of Coastal life Medicine JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2795–2804 2023
42 Effects of Thiazolidinedione DPP 4 Inhibitor Monotherapy and Combination Therapy with Berberine in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Osteopathy Dr. Devkumar Tivari Dr. P. V. Pakale Dr. V. M. Thorat Journal of Coastal life Medicine JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2826–2833 2023
43 Study on a Novel Biomarker in People with Type 2 Diabetes Who Have Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Dr. K.M. Vaghasiya Dr. D.V. Sarvaiya Dr.P.S Salve Journal of Coastal life Medicine JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2834–2842 2023
44 Assessment of Stress and Related Biochemical Alterations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity Patients Dr.S.A.Jadhav Dr.A.R.Shinde Dr.S A Surale-Patil Journal of Coastal life Medicine JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2805–2817 2023
45 Effect and Potential Mechanism of First-Line Oral Antitubercular Therapy Safety and Effectiveness with Adjuvant Drugs Dr.V.M.Thorat Dr. D.V. Sarvaiya Dr. Akash Devi Journal of Coastal life Medicine JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2818–2825 2023
46 Effect of withania somnifera (ashwagandha) on liver function parameters in mdd (major depressive disorder) patients taking sertraline. Dr. Vaghasiya keyurkumar M., Dr. Sujata jadhav, Dr. Ajish mangot, Dr. Chitra khanwelkar, Dr. Aditya shah Journal of population therapeutics & clinical pharmacology 2023
47 A Study on a Novel Biomarker in People with type 2 Diabetes who have cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Dr.K.M.Vaghasiya, Dr.D.V.Sarvaiya, Dr.P.S.Salve JCLMM 1/11 (2023) 2834–2842 2023




History of Pharmacology Charts - 12

Charts of Medicines - 11

Medicinal Plants Photos -14

Placards - 65

Medicines Samples – more than 250

Dosage Forms - 61

Devices - 12

Models - 6

Manikins - 3