
Head of Department :
Dr. Sharad Vasant Kshirsagar
Professor & Head.
About Department Of Psychiatry
Psychiatric services at Krishna Hospital first began as part of the Department of Medicine in the year 1984. In 2011 the department branched out into an independent one with a separate admission facility and is currently the only State Mental Health Authority approved facility in Karad, as per Mental Healthcare Act 2017. The department has adequate staff, is equipped with modern / state of the art facilities, and provide psychiatric teaching and training to under-graduate / post-graduate students.
Apart from these, we provide extensive skills-training and innovative mental health services to students (through Students’ Guidance Cell) and staff. We have various collaborations to provide clinical, psychological support, self-help and awareness services / activities within and outside the institute. We have also received number of copyrights and extramural research grants. Our faculty members have served important positions in the institute as well as various regional/state/national psychiatric societies.
To promote knowledge and application of modern psychiatric principles & research in order to create empathetic medical professionals capable of providing meaningful psychiatric services & raising psychiatric awareness in all corners of the world
To impart basic knowledge of psychiatry through innovative teaching learning methods; motivate students to have sound knowledge of psychiatry for enhancing good clinical practice and create competent students with excellent knowledge, research attitude and human values
- Provide leadership in the country for the development of mental health services at various levels
- To impart training & develop health education materials for both professionals and non-professionals in the field of mental health
- To develop programs and service models in mental health care at various levels
- Conduct continuing medical education programmes & conferences
- To develop national and international collaborations for research
- To develop specialized training programs in various areas of interest like Child Mental Health, Community Mental Health, Family Mental Health, De-addiction and Psychotherapy.
- To observe all possible ‘World Days’ of significance for spreading awareness among local individuals eg. World Schizophrenia Day, Mental Health Day, Suicide Prevention Day, to name a few.
Important Infrastructure
Sr No |
Name of items |
Name and number |
1 |
Electroconvulsive therapy machine with ECG & EEG monitoring |
1 |
2 |
Electroconvulsive therapy machine without monitor |
3 |
3 |
Video EEG machine (32 channel) |
1 |
4 |
Biofeedback instrument set |
1 |
5 | Museum Instruments | |
A) 3D Models |
1) Brain with Arteries 2) 329A – Brainstem 3) Spinal Cord in Spinal Canal 4) Male Genital Organs 5) Female Genital Organs |
B) Charts |
1) The Neuron and the Synapse 2) Structure and Functions of Human Brain 3) Central and Peripheral Nervous System 4) Structure and Functions of Endocrine System 5) Memory Model 6) Role of Autonomic Nervous System in Emotional Arousal and Calming the Body 7) Cognitive Therapies Techniques 8) Comparisons in Psychotherapies 9) Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development 10) Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development 11) Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development 12) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs |
C) Posters |
1) Burrhus Frederic Skinner 2) Carl Gustav Jung 3) Ivan Petrovich Pavlov 4) Martin E.P. Marty Seligman 5) Sigmund Freud |
6 |
Psychological Testing Instruments |
A) Projective tests |
1) ROR - Rorschach Inkblot Test 2) TAT – Thematic Apperception Test (Indian Adaptation by Uma Chowdhury) 3) CAT – Children Apperception Test (Indian Adaptation by Uma Chowdhury) 4) Sack’s Sentence Completion Test |
B) Intelligence tests |
1)WAIS – Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test 2) MISIC – Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children |
C) Personality tests |
1) MMPI-2: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2 2) NEO-PI: The Revised NEO Personality Inventory 3) EPQ-R: Eyesenck’s Personality Questionnaire - Revised 4) HSPQ – High School Personality Questionnaire |
D) Neuropsychological tests |
1) PGI Battery of Brain Dysfunction 2) Wechsler Memory Scale 3) Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 4) AIIMS Neuropsychological Battery |
8 | Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation | 1 (US FDA Approved Neuro-MS/D Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator from Neurosoft, Russia) |
Teaching Learning Method
UG – Theory lectures, self-directed learning, tutorials, seminar, video demonstration, role play, debate, quiz, beside clinic, directly observed procedural skills sessions etc
PG – Theory lectures, seminars, case presentation, journal club, movie club, debate, quiz, teaching under-graduate students, online MOOCs, conferences, workshops, CME, etc.

Dr. Sharad Vasant Kshirsagar
Professor & Head.

The department is headed by renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Sharad V Kshirsagar. He is exemplary in his inclusive leadership, calm demeanour and a contemporary teaching attitude. The department has seen great development and expansion under his able guidance.

Dr. Ajish Gopinath Mangot
Associate Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2007/05/1773

Dr. Vasantmeghna S Murthy
Associate Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2007/04/0709

Dr. Ajay Hindurao Deshmukh
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2002/01/0072
Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference
Sr. No | Title of the paper | Name of the Author/s | Name of the Journal | Month of Publication |
1 | Long Term Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adulthood Experiences | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Anuj, Dinesh Chandra Pandey | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 71-78 | 2023 |
2 | Evaluating Dreams and Analysing Emotional Situations among victims of Childhood Abuse | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Sweta Chauhan, Kartikeya Raina | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 91-97 | 2023 |
3 | Diet: Physiological, Psychological, and Spiritual Growth | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Ajay Sharma, Devyani Rawat | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 106-110 | 2023 |
4 | Reaffirming the Self Image through Self Reflection, Self-Criticism and Imposing Restrictions upon Self – The Psychological Realm | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Deepika Belwal, Dr. Indrajit Patra | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 111-116 | 2023 |
5 | Compare two Variant Psychological Disorders Afflicting the Same Individual- Case Studies with Details of Diagnosis and Treatment. | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Megha Batola, Priti Sharma | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 21-27 | 2023 |
6 | Onset of Mental Illnesses with Aging - Special Concerns for Aging Individuals Living Alone | Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Priyanka Purohit, Smriti Tandon Gupta | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 28-33 | 2023 |
7 | Potential Risk Factors Posing Threat of Mental Depression among Housewives and Preventive Strategies | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Sargam Bahl, Mukund P Singh | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 64-70 | 2023 |
8 | Consequences of Substance Abuse on Non-addicted Family Members and their Role in Treatment and Rehabilitation Initiatives | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Smitha Kothari, Arvind Mohan | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 79-84 | 2023 |
9 | Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality: Reflections upon the Possession Syndrome | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Dr. Indrajit Patra, Praveen Singh | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 98-105 | 2023 |
10 | Predicting Psychological Distress to Prevent Cardiac Infarct – Meanings in Therapy output | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Rahul Raj, Roohi Naaz | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 122-130 | 2023 |
11 | Treating Schizophrenia with Psychodynamic therapy among Elderly Patients | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Himanshu Kargeti, Bijesh Dhyani | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 131-138 | 2023 |
12 | Impact of Prolonged Mental Torture on Housewives in Middle Class Families | Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Kawal Preet Singh, Shruti Sharma, | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 01-07 | 2023 |
13 | Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Daily Functioning of an Individual – in Terms of Family, Social life, School and Work | Mahapatra Siddhant, Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Girish Lakhera | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 56-63 | 2023 |
14 | Suicidal Tendencies among Teenagers Psychho Sociological Factors Impacting Upon the Psyche | Mahapatra Siddhant, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Abhishek Mishra, | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 08-14 | 2023 |
15 | Exploring the Newer Horizons of Online Therapy – Its use and Effectiveness | Sharma Bhawana, Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Amjad Ali | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 40-47 | 2023 |
16 | Factors Influencing Adolescent Mental Health Especially in Terms of Self- Esteem and the Impact of Peer Pressure Sharma Bhawana, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Sachin Ghai, Dr. Naveen Nandal | Sharma Bhawana, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Sachin Ghai, Dr. Naveen Nandal | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 34-39 | 2023 |
17 | Work Satisfaction as a Function of Self Esteem and Self Expression at Work Place – An Analytical Study | Shidhore Nikita, Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Anupama Singh, Dr. Naveen Nandal | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 117-121 | 2023 |
18 | Psycho-Sociological Impact of Social Websites Influence on Inter-Personnel Interactions and Behaviour Shidhore Nikita, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Navneet Rawat, Nisha Nandal | Shidhore Nikita, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Navneet Rawat, Nisha Nandal | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 15-20 | 2023 |
19 | Impact of Media Violence on Behaviour of Children Exposed to Subtle and Direct Forms as Visualized on Television, Movies and Video Games | Pattnaik Aneesha, Kshirsagar Sharad, Deshmukh Ajay, Deepak Kaushal | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 48-55 | 2023 |
20 | Childhood Behavioural Disorders – Diagnosis and Therapy among Poorer Sections of Society Pattnaik Aneesha, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Ajay Sharma | Pattnaik Aneesha, Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Ajay Sharma | Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities eISSN: 2589-7799 2023 April; 6 (4s): 85-90 | 2023 |