
Head of Department :
Dr. Manoj Premanand Ambali
Professor & Head.
About Department Of Anatomy
Anatomy department is one of the important department among preclinical subjects.
The department has gross Anatomy, histology, embryology, and cytogenetic as main
Sub specialties imparting knowledge to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The department is also engaged in research and is running PhD programs.
The department has adequate faculty as per the guidelines of the National Medical Commission.
- To prepare competent manpower with sound knowledge of Human Anatomy and excellent skill in clinical Anatomy through quality education.
- It shall foster interdisciplinary research that will generate meaningful outcome for community and Nation.
- To promote globally competitive training in the field of Anatomy, histology and embryology, so as to grasp clinical knowledge thoroughly.
- To raise the academic standard of the department by constantly upgrading the curricula to match the global standards.
- To evolve the evaluation method that will evaluate the student objectively and transparently with unbias ways.
- To bring about development of teachers through workshop seminar and training program, so that their output will be of international standard.
- To bring about overall development of the student by promoting their active participation in curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, sports and cultural activities.
At the end of the course the student shall be able to
1) Comprehend the normal disposition, clinically relevant interrelationships, functional and cross sectional anatomy of the various structures in the body.
2) Identify the microscopic structure and correlate elementary ultra structure of various organs and tissues and correlate the structure with the functions as pre requisites for understanding the altered state in various disease processes.
3) Comprehend the basic structure and connections of the central nervous system to analyse the integrative and regulative functions of the organs and systems. He/She shall be able to locate the site of gross lesions according to the deficits encountered.
4) Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles and sequential development of the organs and systems, recognize the critical stages of development and the effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards. He/She shall be able to explain the development basis of the major variations and abnormalities.
Important Infrastructure
The department has adequate carpet area as per the guidelines of the National Medical Commission. The department has following infrastructure.
A- Administrative wing- 1- Professor room 4. Tutor room
2- Associate Professor room 5. Department office
3- Assistant Professor room 6. Department library
B- Histology division- 1- Preparation room 3- Technician room
2- Practical hall 4- Store room
C- Gross Anatomy division- 1- Dissection hall 3- Bone storage room
2- Body storage room 4- Body cutting room
D- Museum- 1- Preparation room 3- Museum specimen area
2- Technician room 4- Embryology models area
E- Research Lab.- It has all basic facilities for research work as well as
dissertational work of PG and Ph. D students.
F. Dissection Hall – Ductless System
Equipments in the department :
1- Monocular Microscope 07- Magnetic stirrer
2- Binocular microscope 08- Tissue processor
3- Rotatory microtome 09- Hot air oven
4- Knife sharpener 10- Incubator
5- Paraffin embedding bath 11- Refrigerator
6- Sider warmer 12- Body cutting machin
Other material
01- Chemicals 11- Racks
02- Glassware 12- Almeras
03- Storage tanks 13- Computer
04- Microscope lamps 14- Printer
05- Occulometer 15- Laptop
06- Stage micrometer 16- X-rays view box
07- Dissecting instruments 17- Smart board
08- Bones & bone sets 18- CT & MRI plate
09- Models 19- Specimens
10- Charts
Teaching Learning Method
A] Conventional teaching learning methods
- Diadactic lectures
- Dissection
- Demonstration
- Seminars
- Practicals
- Tutorials
B] Teaching learning methods for enhancing learning experiences
- Experiential learning
- Integrated learning
- Interdisciplinary learning
- Participatory learning
- Problem solving methodologies
- Self-directed learning
- Evidence based learning
- Project based learning
- Role play
- Simulation based learning
C] Uses of technology for effective teaching learning process
Teachers use following teaching tools for effective teaching.
- Online e-resources
- Smart board
- Lecture capture system
- Video recording
- ICT enabled tools
- Charts, models, diagrams, specimens etc.
- Living Anatomy on human subject
- Skill lab
- Simulation lab

Dr. Manoj Premanand Ambali
Professor & Head.

Dr. Manoj P Ambali (MBBS MS, PhD Human Anatomy) is Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy since 01/11/2023 till date. More than 30 years of experience in teaching. He did his Under-graduate from J N Medical College at Belgaum, Post-graduate from Shivaji University, Kolhapur & PhD from Krishna Institute of Medical sciences "Deemed to be university", Karad. He joined the department in 1993 as a tutor and with sincerity & hard work kept progressing and was promoted as Professor and Head in 2023. He has also worked in step wise manner from junior supervisor to central in charge because of his dedication towards his work at University exams. He has been also appointed as flying squad member during university exams. He is also appointed as University Convenor of NAAC Criterion - V. He has been recently appointed as Director of Student Welfare of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth "Deemed to be University", Karad. He is an active member during NMC inspection, NAAC inspection , UGC inspection, Conferences, Convocation & Gatherings. He is the Chairman of Board of studies, Member of College Council, Staff Scientific Society, College Curriculum Committee, Joint College Council & Academic Council. He is Life member of five Anatomy journals. He has more than forty publication at National & International level. He is examiner for UG, PG and Ph.D. programs in various universities. He has received best teacher award. Hobbies are Badminton, Cricket & Football.

Dr. Shashikant Baburao Mane
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 67719

Dr. Priya P. Roy
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No 2008062391

Dr. Sandeep Sarjerao Mohite
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No 2003072565

Dr. Avantika Shrikrishna Bamne
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2009072794

Dr. Swapna Ajay Shedge
Associate Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 082068

Dr. Milind Marutrao Thorat
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 075159

Dr. Sheela Diliprao Kadam
M.Sc. Anatomy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - --

Dr. Hemlata Sandeep Mohite
M.Sc. Anatomy Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - --
Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference
Sr. No | Title of the paper | Name of the Author/s | Name of the Journal | Month of Publication |
1 | Sensorineural Hearing Loss as a Sequelae of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer - An Observational Study from Maharashtra, India. | Sanket Chandrashekhar Prabhune1, Abhay D. Havle2, Swapna Ajay Shedge3, Khaleel Basha Mannuru4, Lakshmi Sravya Yarlagadda5, Kaenat Ahmed6 | eISSN - 2278-4802, Vol. 10 / Issue 33 / pISSN - 2278-4748 / J Evolution Med Dent Sci / Web. of Sciences | 16 August 2021 |
2 | Determination of the stature and gender by using hand dimensions. | Hemlata Mohite ,Sandeep Mohite Priya Roy and Megha Doshi | Songklanakarin Journal Sci. Technol. 44 ( 3 ) ,720- 727 | May June 2022 |
3 | The Model for stature & Gender Prediction in Indians using upper Limb Measures. | Hemlata Mohite Dr. S. S. Mohite Satish kakade Shashikant Mane Manoj Ambali | Online Jr. of Health & allied Sciences ISSN 0972-5997Vol.-20 Issue -3 | July – Sept. 2021 |
4 | Estimation of Stature and Gender from Thumb Indices in Indian Population. | Mohite Hemlata S .Kakade Satish V, Mohite Sandeep S. Roy Priya P. Doshi Megha A. | Indian Jr. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 16, No. 1 | Jan.-March ,2022 |
5 | Prevalence of Scapulothoracic Dysfunction in Primipara after One Year of Delivery | Original Article e-ISSN: 2349-0659 p-ISSN ; 2350-0964 Ascian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences / Vol.9/ Issue-3/ | Shinde Sandeep B1*, Kadav Nayan A1, Pawar Piyusha S1, Patil Sanjaykumar2, Shinde Ravindra V3, Ambali Manoj P4 | July- September 2022 |
6 | Ultrasonographic estimation of gestation age and growth pattern of foetuses in second trimester of pregnancy by multiple growth parameters. | International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 10169–10179. ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022. | Desai, R. R., Ambali, M. P., & Desai, A. R. (2022). | 18 May 2022 |
7 | Correlation Between Prolonged Nasogastric Feeding and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction | Sandeep B. Shinde, Pradnya Ghadage, Manoj P. Ambali | J. Ayueved Homeopath Allied Health Sci2022-1-31-4 | 12.08.2022 |
8 | Relationship between dermatoglyphics finger print patterns and breast cancer: A prospective, clinical study.Runing Title : Dermatoglyphics and Breast cancer. | Dr. Anisha kumara , Dr. Megha Doshi, Dr.M.P.Ambali, | Neuro Quantology vol.20 (issue 8) Page 7386-7392 | July 2022 |
9 | Assessment of sacralisation of fifth lumbar vertebra. | Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite *, Dr Milind, M Thorat Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam.Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite Dr Milind, M Thorat Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam. | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. volume 9, ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 24 October 2022 |
10 | Assessment of variation of profunda femoris artery. | Dr Milind, M Thorat *, Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam**, Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite .Dr Milind, M Thorat Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam. Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite . | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 25 October,2022 |
11 | Assessment of nutrient foramina in dry femur bones. | Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam*, Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite **, Dr Milind, M Thorat ***. Dr Mrs Sheela.D.Kadam. Dr Mrs Hemlata.S. Mohite . Dr Milind, M Thorat . | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 29 October, 2022 |
12 | Assessment of origin of sinuatrial nodal artery in human cadaveric heart specimens. | Dr Mrs Megha.A.Doshi*, Dr Mr Shashikant.B. Mane**, Dr.Priya.P.Roy***. | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 23 October, 2022 |
13 | Assessment of different shapes of Foramen Magnum | Dr. Mr Shashikant.B. Mane*, Dr.Priya.P.Roy**, Dr. Mrs Megha.A.Doshi .*** | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 28 October, 2022 |
14 | To determine the Morphology of Gall Bladder: A Cadaveric Study. | Dr.Priya.P.Roy*, Dr Mrs Megha.A.Doshi**, Dr Mr Shashikant.B. Mane***. Dr.Priya.P. Roy | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 19 October, 2022 |
15 | Study of Acromion Process of Scapula and its Clinical Importance. | Dr Mrs.Swapna.A.Shedge*, Dr Sandeep.S.Mohite**,Dr Manoj.P.Ambali .*** | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 13 October, 2022 |
16 | To study of Assessment of Lateral Ventricle Brain Indices in Indian Population. | Dr Sandeep.S.Mohite*, Dr Manoj.P.Ambali ,** Dr Mrs.Swapna.A.Shedge***Dr Sandeep.S.Mohite. | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 25 October, 2022 |
17 | To study the Vertebral Level of the Celiac Ganglion and its Clinical Implications. | Dr. Manoj.P.Ambali ,* Dr Mrs.Swapna.A.Shedge**, Dr Sandeep.S.Mohite .*** Dr Manoj.P. Ambali . | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 24 October, 2022 |
18 | To Study the Morphometric of Accessory Leaflet Of Tricuspid Valve. | Dr Mrs.Swapna.A.Shedge*, Dr Sandeep.S.Mohite ,** Dr Manoj.P.Ambali .*** Dr Mrs.Swapna.A.Shedge | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Vol.9, Issue 7, summer 2022 | 19 October 2022 |
19 | A Comparative Study on the Qualitative Dermatoglyphic Traits In Healthy, High-Risk Individuals and Patients with Breast Carcinoma. | Dr Rahul Rangan* ,Dr Swapna S Shedge * Satish V. Kakade **, | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine ISSN:2309-5288(Print) ISSN: 2309-6152 (online) | 24 Dec. 2022 |
20 | Bifurcated Mandibular Neural Canal: An Inside-Out Review | 1Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi, 2Dr. S. B. Mane, 3Dr. M.P. Ambali | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May, 2023 |
21 | Understanding the Importance of the Umbilical Cord | Dr. S. B. Mane, Dr. M.P. Ambali, Dr. Priya P. Roy, | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May 2023 |
22 | Anthropometric Analysis of India's Nasal Index . | Dr. M.P. Ambali, Dr. Priya P. Roy, Dr. S. S. Mohite, | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May 2023 |
23 | A Glipse of “Guyon's Canal” of the “Human Wrist” | Dr. Priya P. Roy, Dr. S. S. Mohite, Dr. Mrs. S.A. Shedge, | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May 2023 |
24 | Perks of Quercetin | Dr. S. S. Mohite, Dr. Mrs. S.A. Shedge, Dr. M. M. Thorat, | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May 2023 |
25 | Awareness of Foramina of the Head. | Dr. Mrs. S.A. Shedge, Dr. M. M. Thorat, Dr. Mrs. S. D. Kadam | Pak Heart J 2023;56 (01) Scopus | May 2023 |
26 | ORIGINAL ARTICLE A Cadaveric Study of Caudate and Quadrate Lobes of Liver and its Clinical correlation | Shweta S Thorat1, Manoj P Ambali2, Vidya S Kharat 1 and Ganesh Khemnar 1 | Walawalkar International Medical Journal Volume No.9, Issue No.2, 2022 eISSN 2395-0686 pISSN 2349-2910, Non Indexed | May 2023 |
27 | Effect of Fructus Psoraleae on Wistar Albino Rats' EthanolInduced Neurodegeneration of the Hippocampus | Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi Dr. Mane S. B., Dr. M. P. Ambali | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11(2023) / 2695- 2702 ISSN 23096152 (Online) ISSN- 2309-5288 (Print) Web of Sciences | June 2023 |
28 | Alternative Methods for educating students about anatomy | Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi , Dr. Anand Govind Joshi, Dr. M.P.Ambali | Eur.Chem.Bull.2023,12 (Special Issue 4), 7490-7496 Scopus | June,2023 |
29 | Assessing Learning Preferences of First-Year Medical Students in a Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) Curriculum: A Study at a North In12dian Medical College | Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi , Dr. Anand Govind Joshi Dr. Jaywant Shivaji Thorat | Eur.Chem.Bull.2023,12 (Special Issue4), 7621-7627 Scopus | June2023 |
30 | Effects of Cycas Circinalis and Ionidium Suffruticosum on Male Wistar Rats that Have Been Made Sterile by Alcohol | Dr. Mane S.B., Dr. M. P. Ambali, Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi , | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11 2023(2703 - 2711) Web of Sciences ISSN 23096152 (Online) ISSN- 2309-5288 (Print) June,2023 | 2023 |
31 | The relationship between the hip muscles' Functional structure and yogic posesnarrative Analysis | Dr. Mane S.B., Dr. Shrirang Namdeorao Patil Dr. M. P. Ambali, | Eur.Chem.Bull.2023,12(Special Issue4), 7490-7496 Scopus Scopus June,2023 | 2023 |
32 | Section A -Research paper A review paper on the morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in the sacrum | Dr. M. P. Ambali,Dr. Mrs. Swati Sunil Jagtap Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi | Eur.Chem.Bull.2023, 12 (Special Issue 4), 7504-7509 Scopus Scopus June,2023 | 2023 |
33 | India in 2020 teaching human anatomy without cadavers | Dr. M. P. Ambali, Dr. Shedge S.A. Dr. Jaywant Shivaji Thorat | 7556 Eur.Chem.Bull.2023, 12 (Special Issue 4), 7556-7557 Scopus June,2023 | Scopus June,2023 |
34 | Placenta Histomorphological Analysis in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Dr. M. P. Ambali, Dr. Mrs. M. A. Doshi Dr. Mane S. B. | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11 2023 (2712) / 2719- Web of Sciences. ISSN 23096152 (Online) ISSN- 2309-5288 (Print) June,2023 | June 2023 |
35 | A narrative review of the procurement and Processing of human bones for educational purposes in medical institutions | Dr. Priya P. Roy,Dr. Mrs. Jharashree Kashinath Sahoo, Dr. Mohite S.S. | 33 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue 4), 7517-7524 Scopus Scopus June,2023 | June,2023 |
36 | A Comparison of Mirna-196 in Chronic kidney Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease with Unknown Cause and its Relationship to Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (Kim-1) | Dr. Priya P. Roy, Dr. Mohite S.S. Dr.Shedge S.A. | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11 2023 (2720 - 2727) Web of Sciences ISSN 23096152(Online)ISSN-2309-5288(Print) June,2023 | June 2023 |
37 | Placental Changes in Women with PCOS Affect the Growth and Development of the Foetus | Dr. Mohite S.S. Dr. Shedge S. A. Dr. Priya P. Roy | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11 2023(2728 - 2735) Web of Sciences ISSN 23096 152 (Online) ISSN- 2309-5288 (Print) June,2023 | 2023 |
38 | A critique of the role of cell signalling in colorectal cancer | Dr. Mohite S.S. Dr. Deepali Sadashiv Jankar Dr. Shedge S. A. | 3325 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue 4), 7525-7524 Scopus | Scopus June 2023 |
39 | Analytical Morphometric Cross-Sectional Analysis of a Dry Femur: A Tertiary Care Analysis | Dr. Mohite S.S. Dr. Shrirang Namdeo Patil, Dr. Mrs. Kadam S.D. | 3333 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue 4), 7533-7539 Scopus | Scopus June 2023 |
40 | Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Retinopathy in Swiss Albino Mice: Anatomical, Behavioral, and Histopathological Evaluation of the Colostrum and Astaxanthin in the Retinas | Dr. Shedge S. A. Dr. Priya P. Roy Dr. Mohite S.S. | Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1/11 2023(2736 - 2746) Web of Sciences ISSN 23096 152(Online) ISSN 2309-5288(Print) | June,2023 |
41 | A trigeminal nerve investigation looked at whether trigeminal neuralgia was caused by the superior cerebellar artery. | Dr. Shedge S. A., Dr. Omkar Sanjeev Kulkarni, Dr. Priya P. Roy | 33 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 40533-40539 Scopus | Scopus June,2023 |
42 | The Influences of Motivational Factors on Anatomy Students- An Original Research | Dr. Shedge S. A., Dr. Mrs. Jharashree Kashinath Sahoo Dr. Mrs. Mohite H.S. | J C L M 1/11 2023 (2678 - 2786) Web of Sciences ScopusISSN 23096152(Online) ISSN 2309-5288(Print) | June,2023 |
43 | Comparison of Maternal Characteristics and Fetal Changes in Pregnant Women with Mild and Severe Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) and Pregnant Women with Normotension | Dr. M. M. Thorat , Dr. Mrs. Kadam S. D., Dr. Mrs. Mohite H. S. | JCLMM 1/11 (2023) |2747–2754 Web of Sciences ISSN 23096152(Online) ISSN 2309-5288(Print) June,2023 | June 2023 |
44 | 3rd Printing offers the potential to be a flexible instrument in the field of medicine | Dr. Mrs. Kadam S. D. Dr. Jaywant Shivaji Thorat, Dr. M. M. Thorat | 34 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 7540-7547 Scopus Scopus June,2023 | June 2023 |