Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Head of Department :
Dr. Abhay Dhanpal Havle
Professor & Head.
About Department Of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose and throat) is the branch of Medicine and Surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat and head and neck disorders.
The Department of ENT assumes great importance given the fact that majority of people living rural areas and in urban slums still have no access to proper health care.
Promote excellence and competence with constant up keep of the latest knowledge and pursuit of advancement in medical science.
Safe ENT for everyone.
Safety first-through Vigilance.
To provide Quality ENT care to all the patients.
To avail access & familiarcation to UG & PG students in modern ENT Procedure and Treatment methods to ensure acute trauma life support with advanced trauma centre
To continue to conduct social health camps reaching to the society at their places & the renewed SERVA Shiksha Abhiyan by Govt. Of India
To encourage students and faculty for use of modern education technology,
basic research methodology and bio statistics- Biomedical Research
To increase publications in high impact indexed journals by the faculty as well as students
To improve research platform and to attract extramural projects
To collaborate with other national or international Institution to avail the benefits of –Students & Faculty exchange/ training program
Important Infrastructure
Operating Microscope with teaching aid
High speed drill in operation theatre
Flexible fibreopticbronchoscope/ nasopharyngolaryngoscope
Rigid Pediatric Bronchoscopy set
Rigid Esophagoscopy set
Microlaryngoscopy set
Sinus endoscopy set
Microdebrider for sinus surgeries
Digital mono & bipolar cautery
Nerve stimulator/ monitor
HD digital camera with recording system
Impedance Audiometer
Pure tone audiometer
Sleep Lab (in the Institute)
Simulators for ear, nose surgeries
CO2 Laser
Diode Laser
Harmonic scalpel
Stroboscope/ High Speed camera
Dr Speech Voice analysis software
Teaching Learning Method
Total teaching hours :70
First in 4th semester and second in 6th semester
Bedside clinics – 8 weeks of three hours per day 144 hours
End exams for PG’s
Bed Side Teaching
Communication Skills
OSCE Tests
Online webinars
Power Point Presentation
Journal Club
Seminars and Webinars
Case Presentation

Dr. Abhay Dhanpal Havle
Professor & Head.

Dr. Abhay Dhananjay Havle, is Professor and Head in the Department of Oto- rhino-laryngology (ENT), Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, He has completed his M.B.B.S. from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College , Belgaum and MS.( Oto-rhino-laryngology) from Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga. He has teaching experience since 1989. He is a recognized guide for MS students and There are over thirty national and international publications to his credit.

Dr. Vikas Sudhakar Kulkarni
Associate Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 68160

Dr. Anagha Yogesh Rajguru
Associate Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 88075

Dr. Ganesh Manohar Vihapure
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2009/03/1181

Dr. Ganesh Sonyabapu Khairmode
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 68198

Dr. Satish Narayan Karande
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 61921

Dr. Sweta Colvin
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 51710997
Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference
Sr. No | Title of the paper | Name of the Author/s | Name of the Journal | Month of Publication |
1 | Sensorineural Hearing Loss as a Sequelae of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer - An Observational Study from Maharashtra, India | Sanket Chandrashekhar Prabhune, Abhay D. Havle, Swapna Ajay Shedge, Khaleel Basha Mannuru, Lakshmi Sravya Yarlagadda, Kaenat Ahmed | J Evolution Med Dent Aug. 09, 2021 Sci / eISSN - 2278-4802, pISSN - 2278-4748 / Vol. 10 / Issue 32/ Aug. 09, 2021 | 2021 |
2 | Evaluation of Anatomical Variations in Maxillary Sinus and Management of Chronic Sinonasal Disease | Ganesh Manohar Vihapure, Akshay Sorade, Kaenat Ahmed, Lakshmi Sravya Yarlagadda, Khaleel Basha Munnuru | Evolution Med Dent Sci / Sept. 20, 2021 eISSN - 2278-4802, pISSN - 2278-4748 / Vol. 10 / Issue 38 | 2021 |
3 | Anatomical Variations Of Frontal Sinuses On Computed Tomography And Their Surgical Importance | Ganesh Vihapure., Maya Kamlakar., Kaenat Ahmed., Y L Sravya and Samiksha Karna | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 13, Issue, 01 (A), pp. 1-4, January, 2022 | 2022 |
4 | Retrospective study to find out the etiology of nasal septal perforation | Angha Rajguru., Y lakshmi Sravya and Kaenat Ahmed | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Jan -2022 | 2022 |
5 | Assessment of hearing in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia using otoacoustic emmisions and brainstem evoked response audiometry | Ahmed, K., Havle, A., Sravya, Y. L., & Ahmeds, S. | International Journal of Health Sciences 2022 6(S3), 3564–3573 | 2022 |
6 | Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Without And With Silicone Stenting: An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study | Dr. Ganesh khairmode, Dr. Samiksha Karna , Dr. A. D. Havle, Dr. Sanket Prabhune | Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery Vol.: 27 Issue: 1, 2023, Page no. 3138 to 3146 | 2023 |
7 | The Clinical Profile And The Outcome Of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis In A Tertiary Care Facility | Dr. A. D. Havle, Dr. Ganesh Vihapure, Mr. Mahendra Alate | Eur. Chem. Bull. 12(Special Issue 4), 7473-7489 13.05.2023 | 2023 |
8 | Validation Of Clinico-Radiological Findings With Histopathology And Surgical Exploration In Cholesteatoma Cases | Dr. Devanand K, Dr. Vikas S Kulkarni, Dr. Abhay D Havle, Dr.Samiksha Karna | Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery Vol.: 27 Issue: 1, 2023 ISSN : 1001-1781 Page No.4725 to4741 | 2023 |
9 | Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Without And With Silicone Stenting: An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study | Dr. Ganesh khairmode ,Dr. Samiksha karna,Dr. A. D. Havle Dr. Sanket prabhune | Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery Vol.: 27 Issue: 1, 2023 ISSN : 1001-1781 Page No. 3138 to3146 | 2023 |