Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Head of Department :
Dr. Rajkumar Pandurang Patange
Professor & Head.

About Department Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is established since year 1982 and functioning fully with escalating clinical work turnover. All teaching staff is highly qualify and experienced.


Promote excellence and competence with constant upkeep of knowledge and pursuit of advancement in medical science.


To prepare competent compassionate doctor to understand the prevailing needs of society.


To understand the basic anatomy and pathophysiology of Reproductive system and its common ailments and principles of management.

To recognize the importance of National Health Programmes ( MCH, RCH ) and its implementation in community with special emphasis on family welfare.

To encourage participation in prevention programmes for cancer, HIV/AIDS &Prevention of Social Evils

Important Infrastructure

NST Machine

Foetal Doppler



Bipolar Cautery



Audio-Visual equipment:-

LCD Projector

Video Monitor

Teaching Learning Method






Dr. Rajkumar Pandurang Patange

Professor & Head.

Tel (Office) – 02164-241555/6/7

Dr. R.P. Patange is presently heading the department since 2007. He is a graduate MBBS 1982 & M.D.(Obst.& Gyn.) 1986 from Govt. Medical College, Miraj . He joined the department in 1986 as a Assist. Professor & promoted as Professor & Head in 2007. He is working in the department since 1986 & greatly contributed to the development of department to present status. He has published 45 research articles on his credit. He is also working as Chairperson of Board of studies. He is member of academic council. He is examiner for Undergraduate and postgraduate programme in various universities. He is Ph.D. supervisor. He is very popular teacher among the students and staff due to his humble & polite nature.



Dr. Supriya Vijaykumar Patil



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 55710


Dr. Sanjaykumar Shankarrao Patil



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 76727


Dr. Nitin Suryakant Kshirsagar



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 49992


Dr. Hema Annasaheb Dhumale



Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2021010219


Dr. Yamini Sanjaykumar Patil


Associate Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 80974


Dr. Manisha Manish Laddad

MBBS, DNB (Obst.Gyn.) Ph.D

Associate Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 84704

Dr. Anjalii  Patil

Dr. Anjali Suhas Patil


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 55750


Dr. Padmaja Abhay Havle


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 68834


Dr. Shivaji Vishnu Raje


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 49958


Dr. Deepali Hemant Janugade


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 078938


Dr. Shilpa Shirish Vhawal

MBBS, DNB(Obst.Gyn.)

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 078163


Dr. Archana Vinayak Rokade


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2005/03/01412


Dr. Gauri Raghunath Shinde

MBBS, DNB (Obst.Gyn.)Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2005/02/0838


Dr. Ashitosh Vinay Bahulekar


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2004/02/952


Dr. Digvijay Appasaheb Kadam


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. - MMC Reg. No. 2010/09/2923


<PageQuerySet [<Course: M.S. Obstetrics & Gynaecology>, <Course: Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (Ob/Gyn)>]> []

Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference


Sr. No Title of the paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Month of Publication
1 Analysis of Spinal Dynfunction in Breast Cancer Survivors with Lymphedema Sandeep Shinde / Kajol Kulkarni / Shital Kolekar / Sanjaykumar Patil Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 22 Iss. 6, 12 June 2021 pg. 1869-1873 June 2021
2 Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate and Isoxsuprine for Arrest of Preterm Labor : A Comparative Study Rohit Jeswani / Yamini Patil / Sanjaykumar Patil Journal of Natural Science, Biology & Medicine, 15.07.2021 Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pg. 135-139 15.07.2021
3 Exencephaly with Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation- A Review of rare case Nanda Patil / Vaidehi Nagar / Chirag Sharma / Divya Brahmbhatt Galore Internation Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol .6 Iss.2 April-June 2021 PISSN: 2456-9321 April-June 2021
4 PAP smear versus colposcopy in symptomatic women and women with suspicious looking cervix Archana Rokade /N.S. Kshirsagar / Manisha Laddad Journal of Natural Science, Biology & Medicine, 28.07.2021 Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pg. 145-148 28.07.2021
5 Comparative evaluation of hyperbaric bupicacaine and levobupivacaine as spinal anesthesia agents in females undergoing cesarean section: A clinical study Smriti Bandhu / Jyotsna Victor/ Varun Pratap Singh / Hema Annasaheb Dhumale International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 19.08.2021 Vol. 4 Iss. 16 pg. 40-43 eISSN- 2590-3241, p-ISSN: 2590-325X 19.08.2021
6 Ultrasonographic Placental Thickness versus Fetal outcome: A Prospective study in Southern India Gauri Shinde/ N. S. Kshirsagar / Manisha Laddad / Vaishnavi Shivade Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine 2021 Vol. 12 Iss. 4 pg 562-567 2021
7 Assessment of quality of life in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients using World Health Organization quality of life-BREF questionnarie and appraisal of disbetes scale- a cross- sectional study Supriya Patil / Yamini Patil / Sanjaykumar Patil Italina Journal of Medicine 2021 Vol. 15 pg. 164-169 2021
8 Influence of Pilate Therapy and Conventional Therapy in Post Natal Women with back pain Suraj B. Kanase / Sanjaykumar Patil Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health Vol. 21 Iss.4 pg 164-167, December- 2021 pISSN 0972-4397 dec 2021
9 A Retrospective study of Maternal and Fetal outcomes of Twin Pregnancy Yamini Patil / Sanjaykumar Patil / Pallavi Pant Biomed Pharmacol Journal 2021 Vol. 5 Iss. 1 2021
10 Oral dydrogesterone and micronized progesterone in threatened miscarriage in terms of pain lower abdomen and bleeding per vaginum Sravya Yatam /Sneh Pandey /Yamini Patil / Sanjaykumar Patil Scopus 2022 2022
11 Association of HbA1c levels in pregnancy with maternal outcome Ashish Kalburgi /Arushi Raina /Nitin Kshirsagar /Sanjaykumar Patil Scopus 2022 2022
12 Assessment Of Oral And Vaginal Natural Micronised Progesterone In Preventing Preterm Labor Aishwarya Shrivastava /Shilpa Vhawal / Sanjaykumar Patil / N. S. Kshirsagar Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 2 Dt. 12.10.2022 12.10.2022
13 Maternal and fetal outcome in preterm premature rupture of membrane: A cross sectional study Nidhi Patel1/ Deepashree Arbune / N. S. Kshirsagar / Shital patil Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 2 pg. 363-365 Dt. 12.10.2022 12.10.2022
14 To Determine The Maternal Outcomes In Women Given A Modest Dosage Of Magnesium Sulphate Nawal Shah / Rasika Raut / SanjayKumar Patil / R P Patange Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 2 Dt. 12.10.2022 12.10.2022
15 Assessment Of Association Of Serum Calcium And Serum Magnesium In Gestational Hypertension And Pre-Eclampsia Gauri Shinde Pawar / Manisha Laddad / R P Patange / N. S. Kshirsagar Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 2 Dt. 12.10.2022 pg. 371-373 12.10.2022
16 Assessment Of Efficacy Of Balloon Tamponade In The Management Of Postpartum Haemorrhage Yamini Patil1 / Sanjaykumar Patil/ Manisha Laddad/Gauri shinde pawar Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 5, Dt. 12.10.2022 pg.1622-1626 12.10.2022
17 Assessment Of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus And Associated Factors Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Sanjaykumar Patil1 /Yamini Patil/ Gauri Shinde Pawar /Manisha Laddad Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 2 Dt. 12.10.2022 pg. 357-358 12.10.2022
18 Assessment Of Vaginal Infections In Pregnant Women R P Patange /N. S. Kshirsagar /Shital patil /Shilpa vhawal Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 5, Dt. 13.11.2022 pg.775-778 13.11.2022
19 Assessment Of Association Of Serum Calcium And Serum Magnesium In Gestational Hypertension And Pre-Eclampsia Gauri Shinde Pawar / Manisha Laddad / R P Patange / N. S. Kshirsagar Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 5, Dt. 13.11.2022 pg.371-376 13.11.2022
20 Effect of QOL during first trimester of pregnancy on Birth Weight of New Born Nitanjali Patil/R.P. Patange/Supriya Patil/S.V. Kakade Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 5, Dt. 13.11.2022 pg.1622-1626 13.11.2022
21 Assessment Of Platelet Count And Its Correlation With Severity Of Pre-Eclampsia Manisha Laddad/Gauri Shinde Pawar/Yamini Patil/Sanjaykumar Patil Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol.13 Iss. 5, Dt. 13.11.2022 pg. 431-433 13.11.2022
22 The impact of maternal BMI on outcome of labor Nitanjali Patil/R.P. Patange/Vaishali R. Mohite/S.V. Kakade Aninals of forest research Vol. 65 Issu. 1 ISSN 18448135 Date: 21.11.2022 pg. 3938-3944 21.11.2022
23 Incidence of the Cervical Cancer A Retrospective Study from A Tertiary Care Center 1Dr.Ashutosh Bahulekar, 2Dr.R.P. Patange, 3Dr. Arushi Pak Heart J 2023 2023
24 A Review of Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring Practices Among Pregnant People with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 1Dr.Hema Dhumale, 2Dr.Archana Rokade, 3Dr.Shruti Nair Pak Heart J 2023 2023
25 A Prospective Observational Study for the Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Score to Predict Successful Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Sections 1Dr.Gauri Pawar, 2Dr.Manisha Laddad, 3Dr.Ashish Kalburgi Pak Heart J 2023 2023
26 Evaluation of the Anti-Fibrinolytic Drug for the Management of Blood Loss after Vaginal Delivery and Caesarian Section: A Case Control Study 1Dr.N.S. Kshirsagar, 2Dr.Digvijy Kadam, 3Dr.Nidhi Patel Pak Heart J 2023 2023
27 Vulvovaginal Candidiasis A Review 1Dr.N.S. Kshirsagar, 2Dr.Gauri Pawar, 3Dr.Shaziya Pak Heart J 2023 2023
28 Effects of Pregnancy Analgesic Use on Stillbirth: A Review 1Dr. R.P.Patange, 2Dr.Ashutosh Bahulekar, 3Dr.Naval Shah Pak Heart J 2023 2023
29 The Assessment of Fetomaternal Outcomes in a Tertiary Care Teaching Center in Southern India During Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes 1Dr R.P.Patange, 2Dr.Anjali Patil, 3Dr.Srayva Pak Heart J 2023 2023
30 Indications and Results of Emergency Hysterectomy in Obstetrics Performed at a Tertiary Care Center: A Retrospective Study 1Dr.Archana Rokade, 2Dr.Hema Dhumale, 3Dr.Sheh Pandey Pak Heart J 2023 2023
31 Genital Tuberculosis Among Women: A Narrative Review 1Dr.Sanjay Patil, 2Dr.Vaishali Vhaval, 3Dr.Sheetal Patil Pak Heart J 2023 2023
32 Assessment of Hba1c Levels in Patients Without Gdm and Its Correlation with Pregnancy Outcomes A Prospective Study 1Dr.Yamini Patil, 2Dr.Anjali Patil, 3Dr.Aishwarya Shrivastava Pak Heart J 2023 2023
33 Depression During Pregnancy: A Review 1Dr.Manisha Laddad, 2Dr.N.S. Khirsagar, 3Dr.Deepshree Arbune, 4Dr.Rasika Rawat, Pak Heart J 2023 2023
34 Assessment of the awareness of contraception: alongitudinal study DR.SUPRIYA PATIL,DR.VAISHALI VHAVAL,DR.SHALAKA DESHMUKH Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 3186-3192 2023
35 A Case - Control study comparing an early Amniotomy with a selective Amniotomty in women who are in simple Labour at Term Dr. Gauri Shinde,Dr. Yamini Patil, Dr. Sanjay Patil Dr. Gauri Shinde,Dr. Yamini Patil, Dr. Sanjay Patil Journal of coastal Life Medicine 2023
36 In -Depth Review of Disease,Treatment, and prevention of Recto-Vaginal Fistulas Dr. Hema Dhumale,Dr. Archana Rokade,Dr. Shruti Nair Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4 2023
37 ROLE OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY (2D) IN HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS OF PREGNANCY Dr Arushi Raina1, Dr.Nitin Kshirsagar2 European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023
38 Comparative study of etiological factors of single early Dr. Digvijay Kadam, 2Dr. Nitin Kshirsagar, 3Dr. Manisha Laddad Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 106-109 2023
39 Nifedipine compared to magnesium sulfhate for treating preterm labor: A randomized clinical trial 1Dr. Esha Paliwal, 2Dr. Nitin Kshirsagar, 3Dr. Arushi Raina Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 73-77 2023
40 Ovarian Cancer: A Short, Brief Review DR. R.P.PATANGE DR.ASHUTOSH BAHULEKAR DR.ARUSHI RAINA Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 13534-13545 2023
41 Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Teaching Program onKnowledge, Attitude, and Practices Of Antenatal, Intranatal, And Postnatal Care Among Primi Gravida Women At Tertiary Care Hospital Rohini Babar 1, Dr. Nitin Kshirsagar 2*, Dr Yamini Sanjaykumar Patil Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4),6183-6202 2023
42 Foley Catheter: An Overview DR.SANJAY PATIL,DR.VAISHALI VHAVAL,DR.SHEETAL PATIL Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 13557-13564 2023