Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Head of Department :
Dr. Somnah Devidas Bhinge
Professor & HOD

About Department Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is equipped with state of art facilities providing hands on experience to pharma graduates. To meet the global needs in the area of chemistry, we shape our students by exposing them to the skill based practical involving qualitative analysis, pharmaceutical synthesis, organic synthesis and pharmaceutical analysis of drugs and excipients. Various subjects like Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Advanced Instrumentation Techniques, Computer Aided Drug Design, Quality Assurance, etc are being taught during the curriculum through Pharmaceutical Chemistry department. The departmental infrastructure comprises well maintained laboratories and sophisticated equipment like ‘HPLC’, ‘UV-Vis spectrophotometer’, ‘IR spectrometer’, ‘Microwave synthesizer’, ‘Deep freezer’ etc. for chemistry research.


  • To develop the department as centre of excellence in all aspects of education & research in the areas of drug discovery, development and evaluation.
  • To create competent chemists & analysts through innovative ideas, modern concepts & trends in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • To impart knowledge & provide expertise in the emerging areas of target-based drug design and custom green synthesis.


  • To inculcate training & research attitude in students & faculty by providing academic ambience in area of synthetic & analytical chemistry.
  • Development of best resources for understanding of the design, synthesis, delivery, disposition, action and safety of biologically active compounds & utilization of excellent facilities for students and researchers benefit.
  • To provide analytical and consultancy service to industries and at the same time make efforts to fetch research grants.
  • Strong collaboration with institutions, universities and industries of national repute.
  • Developing more-economic and greener strategies for chemical synthesis and production.
  • Understanding how molecules and materials behave, interact and transform at macroscopic, molecular, atomic and electronic levels.
  • Advancing computational methodologies in drug design to model molecular interactions and reactivities, from simple to complex molecules.


  • To improve the knowledge base required for synthesis, isolation, purification and characterization of various pharmaceuticals.
  • To equip students with the appropriate qualities & skills required to fulfil job responsibilities as chemists in pharmaceutical, chemical and biomedical industries.
  • To provide enduring atmosphere and encourage students & faculty for research activity.
  • To train faculty & students in safe & effective handling of chemicals, glassware and analytical instruments & creating awareness about hazardous effects of chemicals.

Teaching Learning Method

Traditional classroom teaching including chalk & board, modern technology-based teaching including projectors & smart boards are employed for dynamic and interactive teaching-learning approach. Also, the hands-on learning experiences is provided through laboratory practical sessions, research projects, and industrial visits. At the chemistry department we provide outcome-based education and training skills on various aspects of drug design using models and computational tools, synthesis by conventional and green chemistry approaches, spectral characterization, and chromatographical evaluation of small molecules. Moreover, students get practical training in handling various analytical instruments including UV-Visible spectrophotometer, IR spectrometer, Flame photometer, HPLC systems, etc. Students are being trained in maintaining good laboratory and manufacturing practices, documentation of records according to the industrial requirements. Special emphasis is on quality control and quality assurance at every stage of drug manufacturing process for maintaining high ethical standards.

The department has experienced staff with a wide range of research expertise in drug design and synthesis, computational chemistry, analytical method development & phytochemical studies. Course delivery and teaching style stimulate students to think, understand and apply the theoretical concepts to find an ideal solution for real-time problems related to healthcare. Use of modern tools like computers & AI for simulation studies, interactive platforms are utilized for understanding the basic concepts of biochemistry, analytical & synthetic chemistry. By implementing a student-centric approaches, we strive to cultivate a passion for lifelong learning, professional growth, and innovation among our students along with knowledge & skills.


Dr. Somnah Devidas Bhinge

Dr. Somnah Devidas Bhinge

Professor & HOD

Tel (Office) – 02164-241555/6/7

M. Pharm. (Pharm. Chem.), Ph.D., PG Diploma in Patents Law


Dr. Dipak Pralhad Mali

Dr. Dipak Pralhad Mali

M. Pharm. (Pharm. Chem.), Ph.D., PG Diploma in Patents Law

Associate Prof.


Dr. Mrs. Akshada A. Koparde

M.Pharm, Ph.D

Dean Academics, Associate Professor


Mrs. Manisha Nitin Veer

M Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Assistant Professor


Dr. Trupti Pratik Durgawale

M pharm PhD

Assistant Professor

Mr. Ranjeet Shashikant Jadhav

Mr. Ranjit S. Jadhav


Assistant Professor

Mr. Akshaykumar Baban Kadam

Akshaykumar Baban Kadam


Assistant Professor

Miss. Monali Mohan Shewale

Ms. Monali Mohan Shewale

Assistant Professor

Ms. Snehal Sanjay Patil

Ms.Snehal Sanjay Patil

M.Pharmacy(Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Assistant Professor


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Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference


Sr. No Title of the paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Month of Publication
1 Preparation and characterization of Silver Nanoparticles of Ficus Benghalenis and its Antioxidant potential Dr. Akshada Koparde Dr. Amol Shete Mr. Anup Patil Lampyrid journal June 2023
2 Primary phytochemical evaluation of P oleraceae and P Quadrifida Dr Trupti Durgwale Dr C C Khanwelkar RJPT 14(7) July 2021
3 Formulation And Evaluation of Antimicrobial Herbal Gel Containing Piper betel Leaf Extract with Aloe Vera. Manisha N. Veer, Pratiksha P. Jadhav, Nitu Kasurde, Rajendra Doijad Advances in Bio research Vol 12 [4] July 2021. 51-57 July 2021
4 Comparative Account of UV Analysis of Four Different Brands of Acyclovir Tablets A. A. Koparde , R. C. Doijad , A. Patil, P. Jadhav and R. Katkar Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal August 2021
5 Formulation,Characterisation and Evaluation of IN-Vitro Antioxident Potential of Melatonin and Quarcetin loaded Liposomes Veerendra C.Yeligar, Manjiri A,Rajmane, Yasmin H, Momin and Rajendra C.Doijad Annals of Phytomedicine January 2022